On the Road to Impact Lives
Impactful, enriching & fulfilling lives
1:1 Life Coaching & Impact Retreats
Hello my friends! My name is Sara Pelkey and I own The Roaming Road Impact Coaching Business. First, I’d like to start by thanking you for landing here today! For some reason or another, you are here reading my short story on why I started my impact business. In August 2020, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, I took a risk and decided to finally start a business that would help others aspiring to achieve their dreams and life’s purpose. Back then I couldn’t have imagine how many lives I would have come in contact with through this work, and how much the business would have evolved into what it is today.
Over the last 3 years, I’ve become a certificated Aliveness coach. I’ve coached over twenty women, three men and six youth clients in the 1:1 coaching in the space.
The Roaming Road has also hosted many online programs, and RETREATS around the world. I am proud to say that my soul inspiration and purpose is to impact lives in the most meaningful way. Impact comes in many forms, and can have the most powerful change in one’s life. The impact made in The Roaming Road space is created through what I call your aliveness, natural joy and connection to self and others.
If you decide to expore the Roaming Road space, come prepare to feel the impact from within. My passion in life will always be with people and come from the heart center. Since I was a little girl, my mother always told me.. “leave the world a better place than you found it”. This is my contribution to making the world a better place. The trust is that joyful and purposeful people want others to feel joy and purpose. That work starts from the inside. This work can be done in the 1:1 coaching, retreats, community groups and through mind body soul healing. I offer all those services here! I would be excited to explore how The Roaming Road can impact your life in the most meaningful way. Join the journey… one roaming road at a time!

What do you say?
Let's help you live from a place of ALIVENESS.
Which one best describes you?

-Youth coaching
-1:1 coaching
-Adult coaching

Impact Retreats
-Impact retreats around the world
-Service projetcs
-Community impact
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Roaming Road